

1. 用英文介绍自己的家庭成员。

  2. 能够听、说、认读单词:father   mother       brother    sister



单词: father   mother  brother  sister

句型: How old are you? I’m six.

Hello! This is my father/ mother/...

Glad / Nice to meet you.





f             j             n            z             V            K            G            P





     Excuse me.                      That’s OK.                  five o’clock








【认读】请同学们注意:字母组合er, th的发音。



1. 我会译:

three     mother       eleven       father      brother       sister 


2. 我会连:

Show me your father’s photo                           

Show me your mother’s photo.              

Show me your sister’s photo.                

Show me your brother’s photo.             






1. 介绍第三者时常用This is…这个句型,此时不能说He is...She is...

      例如:This is Mike .这是迈克。

2. 在比较正式的场合下向别人介绍自己的父母时,要用father mother,在非正式场合下,比如在家里,孩子可称爸爸、妈妈为dadmum

3. Father’s 是名词,此为加’s的所有格形式,表示所属关系,其中’s意为:

“……的”例如:汤姆的书包 Tom’s bag   莉萨的哥哥 Lisa’s brother


I. *我会读和译*

1. This is my father.        2. Nice to meet you.

3. This is my mother.       4. Happy birthday to you.


II. 我会组成一句话:(写序号)。

1. father        is        my    This _______________.

2. Miss Liu    This   is_______________.

  3. meet         Glad   you     to_________________ . 

   Sing this song



下册Unit 3 This is my father.  L15-L16



单词:daughter  son  grandfather  grandmother  

句型:Who’s this? This is...

Who’s that? That is...








(    ) 1. A. pencil      B. pig           C. duck            D. bird

(    ) 2. A. father      B. mother             C. brother           D. school

(    ) 3. A. five        B. twelve             C. classroom        D. nine

(    ) 4. A. cake       B. hamburger            C. nose            D. hot dog



(    ) 1. Nice to meet you.

(    ) 2. What time is it?

(    ) 3. How old are you?

(    ) 4. What’s on the chair?

(    ) 5. Can I see it?

A. I’m nine.

       B. Some markers.

       C. Sure. Here you are.

       D. Glad to meet you.

E. It’s twelve o’clock



1.            A. mother     B. pen           C. father       D. Chinese book

2. (    )            A. glue  B. sister        C. scissors    D. brother

3.             A. three        B. mother      C. brother     D. bag

4.             A. bag           B. book         C. bird           D. pencil

5. (   )                 A. brother     B. girl           C. sister        D. duck



1. 你询问别人的姓名应说:( 

What’s your name?              B. My name is Gao Wei.

2. 你向妈妈介绍刘老师,应该说:( 

A. This is Mr Li.      B. This is Miss Liu.

3. 你想询问时间,可以这样说:( 

A. What time is it?              B. What’s this?

4. 你受到大家欢迎后,不要忘记说:( 

A. Welcome!               B. Thank you!

5. 别人说Thank you时,你应说:( 

A. Very good.                   B. That’s OK.

6. Gao Wei 见到你高兴极了,他对你说:( 

A. Hello!                    B. Hi! Glad to meet you.



(   ) 1. _____to meet you .

A. Glad              B. Good              C. nice

(   ) 2. Look at _____nose. It’s big.

A. I                    B. my                  C. a

(   ) 3. Thank you. _________

A. All right.    B. That’s OK.       C. Great!

(   ) 4. Good morning, ____and____.

Good morningMiss Liu .

A. boy; girl           B. a boy; a girl      C. boys; girls

(   ) 5. _____is Kate. And this is Mary.

A. He                   B. This                C. She

(   ) 6. How ____you? I ____fine .

       A. am, am           B. is, am              C. are, am

(   ) 7. What’s ______name ?

A. you                 B. your                C. it 






( A ) 1. A. pencil           B. pig                  C. duck            D. bird

( D ) 2. A. father         B. mother             C. brother           D. school

( C ) 3. A. five          B. twelve             C. classroom        D. nine

( C ) 4. A. cake          B. hamburger       C. nose            D. hot dog



( D ) 1. Nice to meet you.

( E ) 2. What time is it?

( A ) 3. How old are you?

( B ) 4. What’s on the chair?

( C ) 5. Can I see it?

A. I’m nine.

B. Some markers.

C. Sure. Here you are.

D. Glad to meet you.

E. It’s twelve o’clock



1. C          A. mother       B. pen           C. father       D. Chinese book

2. (  B  )          A. glue  B. sister          C. scissors    D. brother

3. B         A. three        B. mother      C. brother     D. bag

4. D                 A. bag           B. book         C. bird           D. pencil

5. (  A  )      A. brother     B. girl           C. sister        D. duck



1. 你询问别人的姓名应说: A

A. What’s your name?          B. My name is Gao Wei.

2. 你向妈妈介绍刘老师,应该说: B

A. This is Mr Li.              B. This is Miss Liu.

3. 你想询问时间,可以这样说: A

A. What time is it?                     B. What’s this?

4. 你受到大家欢迎后,不要忘记说: B

A. Welcome!                      B. Thank you!

5. 别人说Thank you时,你应说: B

A. Very good.                          B. That’s OK.

6. Gao Wei 见到你高兴极了,他对你说: B

A. Hello!                           B. Hi! Glad to meet you.



(  A  ) 1. _____to meet you .

A. Glad                     B. Good                     C. nice

(  B  ) 2. Look at _____nose. It’s big.

A. I                          B. my                         C. a

(  B  ) 3. Thank you .  _________

A. All right.          B. That’s OK.              C. Great!

(  C  ) 4. Good morning, ____and____.

Good morningMiss Liu .

       A. boy; girl                  B. a boy; a girl             C. boys; girls

(  B  ) 5. _____is Kate. And this is Mary.

A. He                          B. This                       C. She

(  C  ) 6. How ____you?  I ____fine .

A. am, am                  B. is, am                     C. are, am

(  B  ) 7. What’s ______name?

A. you                        B. your                       C. it