



(一)情态动词canhave to




(一)情态动词can have to

1. can的基本用法】


  I can swim, but he can’t.

  (2) 用于“ Can you…”句型中,表示客气的邀请对方做……。肯定回答常用:Sure, I’d love to./ I’d like to.  否定回答常用:Sorry, I can’t. I … (说明原因) I’d love to, but….如:

  --- Can you go to the concert with me this evening?

  --- I’d love to, but I have too much homework to do.



一般疑问句:Can +主语+动词原形?  Yes, sb. can. / No, sb. can’t.

否定句:主语+can’t + 动词原形

2. have to的基本用法】



肯定句:主语+have / has to +动词原形+其他      过去式为had to

一般疑问句:Do / Does+主语+have to+动词原形+其他?(肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do/ does;否定回答:No, 主语+don’t / doesn’t)

否定句:主语+don’t / doesn’t +have to+动词原形+其他。


1. He can ________(come) in now.

2. Miss Liu has a toothache and has to _______(go) to the dentist.

3. Lind ____________(have) to go to the Children’s Palace every Sunday.

4. ________ your father _______(have to ) visit Mr. Brown this afternoon?

5. The hirt isn’t dirty. You ________ (not, have to ) wash it.



1. 形容词的原级和比较级

A. (1) Alan is very tall.

  (2) Alan’s brother is taller than Alan.

B.(1) Lucy is very beautiful.

  (2) Lucy’s sister is more beautiful than Lucy.



2. 形容词的比较级


  比较级有变化,一般词尾加—er; (long----longer)

  词尾哑e简单化,之后只把—r加; nice ----nicer

 辅音字母+y型,改yi—er;  (funny---funnier)

  一辅重读闭音节,词尾字母应双写; big----bigger

  双、多音节更容易,之前加more就可以。 outgoing---- more outgoing

【注意】一些不规则变化的形容词比较级,同学们要在平时的学习中总结、记忆。如:good—better, many/much---more.


tall – taller                outgoing – more outgoing

  big– bigger                interesting – more   interesting

  funny – funnier             beautiful – more beautiful

  nice – nicer                delicious – more delicious

  many – more               athletic – more athletic

  good – better               serious – more serious


  A +谓语动词+比较级+than +B.     AB更……

  Cindy looks younger than Julie.


比较级前可用a little, much, so far 等修饰

Your school is a little (much) larger than ours.


  My book is newer than Lucy. (错)

  My book is newer than Lucy’s. ()


Lucy is taller than Lily.

China is larger than the U.S.A. .

Tom is funnier than Jim.

This box is bigger than that one.

She is more outgoing than her sister.

He is more athletic than his brother.

Mr. Li is more serious than Mr. Zhang.

Pizza is more delicious than hamburger.

3. 学以致用


第一组:girl 1  girl 2hair, long

           Lily          Lucy


第二组:   CAR_012   CAR_072 fast

    car                bike


第三组:  9   RM_0498 late

         Jim  10:00        Tom  11:00


第四组:  RM_0334    RM_0333expensive

              100 yuan        200 yuan


第五组: RM_0485     RM_0752 beautiful

         Wang Mei           Li Ting




1.U513P2T136D1634F3244DT20040703114445 2100   2  5000


2. 20050412124130451 outgoing  2372156 serious

Li Yong                  Shui Junyi


3. pic5u1l4x5lfunny    baiyansong serious

     Zhao Benshan           Bai Yansong



1. Tom is                    than Sam.(calm)

2. Pedro is                  than Paul.(short)

3. Lin Ping is a little                                than me.(outgoing)

4. Vera is                            than Jim is. (funny)

5. Tina is much                                than Tara.(athletic)

6. Paul is even                       than Pedro.(thin)

7. Paul has                       hair than Tom.(curly)

8. Ruth is                               than Rose.(serious)



* 一、写出下列形容词的比较级

1. short ____________   2. fine ________________

3. thin ______________  4. funny _________________

5. beautiful ______________   6. athletic ________________

7. good / well _________________   8.many / much _______________

9.bad ______________________   10. little ____________________



1. My cousin is a beautiful girl with very __________ (long) hair.

2. This box is ______________________ (heavy) than that one.

3. I think Lily is _______________ (popular) than Molly in our class.

4. Who is ________________ (outgoing), Lucy or Julie?

5. My elder brother is as __________(old) as your younger brother.




1. shorter   2. finer  3.thinner   4.funnier   5.more beautiful  6.more athletic 

7.better    8.more   9.worse   10.less



  1.long   2.heavier  3.more popular   4.more outgoing  5.old