


1. 复习如何询问和介绍他人及自己所在的班级,学会询问和介绍他人及自己的家庭住址;

2. 能听、说、读、写一些单词、其缩写形式及句子;

3. 学唱Let’s read and chant



1. 重点单词:what’s, your, you, grade

2. 难点句子:What class are you in? I’m in Class One, Grade Five.





1. what 音标 h  什么

what’swhat is  是什么

What's  this?
It's an apple.        


What's his name?
His name is Pleasant Goat.



(1)           her name?

(2)          class are you in?   

A. What’s         B. What


2. You   ju:  你,你们

Your    你的,你们的




(1) Look! That’s you room. (    )  

(2) Is that your picture? (    )

(3) Thank you for your help. (    ) 

(4) This is you brother’s book. (    )


3. gradegreid等级,级别”, 也指中小学的年级

如:Grade Five 五年级    

Linda is in Grade Two.



1. 根据句意补全单词

(1) What gr  d   are you in?  你在几年级?

(2) We are in Class One,        Five.五年级一班

2. 判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否一样

(1) what            water (     )          (2) welcome    come (     )

(3) live      five  (     )          (4) name       same (     )

(5) maths    grade (      )




1. In Class /Grade Five  在五班/五年级”

They are in the same Grade.


2. be friend  做朋友

Let's be friends.



(1) 在一班                                    (2) 在四年级                  

(3) 在五年四班                            (4) 在同一班                  

(5) 让我们做朋友吧                  




1. What’s your name?  你叫什么名字?

My name’s Zhou Pei.  我的名字叫周培。



2. What class are you in?  你在哪个班?

I’m in Class Three Grade Five.  我在五年级三班。

  Bob is in Class One Grade Five.


3. Where do you live?  你住在哪里?

I live on/at…  我住在……

如:I live on Green Road.   Bob lives at Apple Street.



What’s your name?


Where do you come from?

I              Britain.

What Class are you in?

I am                .

Where                   ?

I                 Green Road. 


1. 在横线上写出相应的问句或答句

(1)                                  His name is Tom .

(2)                                  I’ m in Grade Five.

(3) Where does she live ?                                   ?

(4)                                  I come from Germany.

2. 句型转换

(1) They are in Class Three .(改为否定句)                               .

(2) I live on Green Road.(改为一般疑问句)                                ?

(3) I live at 47 Green Street.就划线部分提问






上册 Unit 1 We have two new friends. L5L6



 单词:her, his, eye, nose, mouth

句子:What’s her name? Her name’s Zhou Pei.

She has beautiful long hair and big bright eyes.










1. What           five and five?

A. be                 B. is                  C. am

2. We are in           same class.

A. a                   B. /                          C. the

3. Is that your picture? No, it          .

A. is                   B. isn’t               C. can

4. 当你想向你的朋友介绍你的母亲时,你应该说:       

A. I look like my mother.             B. This is my mother.

C. I love my mother very much.

5. 当别人夸你漂亮时,你应该说:        

A. Thank you.    B. Oh, no.          C. You are right.



1. 五年四班                            2. 我的名字                       

3. 你的老师                            4. 回家                           

5. 在我们班里                          6. 在一班                    

7. 在五年级              



1. Do you like candy?                  A. Thank you.

2. How are you?                      B. It’s 23.

3. What’s your house number?          C. Yes, I do.

4. What’s the time?                  D. It’s eleven o’clock.

5. Let’s go home together.            E. I live at 46 Purple Street.

6. Welcome to our class.               F. OK, let’s go.

7. Where do you live?                  G. Not very well.

8. What class are you in?             H. I’m in Class Two.



1. name,  what,  is  her (?)                           

2. name,  his,  Dick,  is (.)                             

3. grade,  is,  she,  in,  what  (?)                    

4. mother,  is,  teacher,  an,  my,  English (.) _______________



Hello, I’m Linda. I am an English girl. I’m a pupil of Class Three, Grade Five. I study in China now. At school, I have a good friend. Her name is Nina Brown. She is an American girl. She and I are in the same row, Row Two. I’m Number 5 and Nina’s number is next to me. Her sweater is red and mine is red, too. We play volleyball in the afternoon. We are very happy.

(    ) 1. Nina Brown is an English girl.

(    ) 2. Nina is in Row Two.  

(    ) 3. Nina is Number Six.

(    ) 4. My sweater is red and Nina’s is pink.

(    ) 5. Nina is in Class 3, Grade 5, too.




一、1~5 BCBBA


二、1. Class Four, Grade Five          2. my name        3. your teacher           4. go home

5. in our class                            6. in Class One    7. in Grade Five


三、1~5 CGBDF   6~8 AEH


四、1. What is her name?    2. His name is Dick.

3. What grade is she in?    4. My mother is an English teacher.