


. 教学内容:

Unit 3  Life in the future 未来的生活


1. 重点单词用法

2. 点句解析


. 知识总结与归纳





. 重点与归纳

(一)1. private houses 私人住宅

private adj. 私人的;个人的;不公开的;隐秘的

privately adv.     私人地(没有别人在场)

privacy n.     无人在场状态,隐私、秘密

private property    私有财产

a private car    私人轿车

a private apartment    私人公寓

Private    (信件)亲启;(告示)禁止入内

in private    私下地,在不公开场合

Don't repeat what I have told you to anyoneit's private.


He retired to his private retreat in the mountain


Smith is very rude in private though he is polite in public.



2. first impressions第一印象

1 impression是名词,可作“印象”“影响”“效果模糊或不确定的观念”解释,也可意为“印记”“一版(书)”等。

2 impress是动词,意为“使感动,使留下印象”等:可构成以下短语:

impress sb. with sth. impress sth. on/upon sb.

3 impressive是形容词,意为“给人深刻印象的”

例如:an impressive scene难忘的场面   an impressive story感人的故事

His heroic deed created a lasting impression on people.


He looked around the room and wished to impress everything his mind.


I impressed him with the importance of his workimpressed him the importance of his work.



3. Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.


1surroundings n. 环境

Animals in a ZOO are not living in their natural surroundings.   


She could not help being impressed by the luxurious surroundings.



1surrounding adj. 周围的

The peasants are allowed to cultivate the surrounding land.


2surround vt. 围绕,包围

I will give the signaland they shall be surrounded.


The Los Angeles basin is surrounded on three sides by high mountains.


2lack n. C&U]缺乏,短缺(与介词of连用);

vt. & vi. 缺乏(用作vi.时,与介词forin连用)

lackforsth.     缺少……       be lackinginsth.     缺乏……

forbyfromthrough lack of  因缺乏……,因没有……

alack of...    ……方面的短缺           have no lack of    不缺乏……

no lack of    充足的(形容词词性)         supply the lack    补缺

They are so rich that they lack for nothing.   他们非常富裕,什么也不缺。

He was acquitted for lack of evidence.      因证据不足,他被宣告无罪。

He is lacking in responsibility.            他不够负责。



4. These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.





①后接表示物或人的宾语。press sth. sb.

Press this button to start the engine.    按这个按钮开动发动机。

②后接宾语+副词。press sb. sth. inoutawaybackharddowntogetherflatthinetc.

The police tried hard to press the crowd back. 警察拼命地把人群向后推赶。

③后接宾语+介词短语。press sb. sth. toonagainstthroughetc.

She pressed the child to her heart.   她把孩子紧抱在怀里。


press sb.

Don't press me. I can't make the decision right now.  别逼我,此刻我不能作出决定。

press sb. for sth.

They pressed him for a definite answer.   他们逼他作出明确答复。

press sb. to do sth.

The mother pressed her son to eat more.    母亲强要她儿子多吃一些。

be pressed for sth. 为一习语,意为“缺少某事物”。

Please hurrywe're a bit pressed for time.   请快点——我们时间不多了。


I don’t like the shoes that press. 我不喜欢挤脚的鞋。



a press of a button按电钮


a cider press苹果榨汁机


Members of the press weren't allowed into the meeting. 新闻界人士不准进入会议场所。


The press of many duties keeps her busy. 许多责任的压力使她一直忙碌。

2swiftly adv. 迅速地;敏捷地;突然地

swift adj. swifterswiftest


The river is too swift to swim. 这河水流太急,不能游泳。


as swift as thought顷刻间

a swift visit to the shop匆匆逛一下商店

3)(行动、思维)迅速的,机警的;动辄……的,常用词组是swift to do sth. in doing sth. )。

He has a swift wit. 他有急智。

She was swift to condemn the violencein condemning the violence.


思考swift/quick/ fast/rapid这四个词都表示“快的,迅速的”,你能说出它们的区别吗?


5. It took me only a few minutes to master the idea and soon I could fly as fast as Wang Ping.



1 n.


Is your mastermistressat home?    




A dog's master is its owner. 狗的主人是狗的所有者。

After hard fightingthe defenders were still masters of the city.



The master(=captainrefused to leave his sinking ship while there were others on board.



He was a masterteacherof the piano. 他是钢琴教师。


They are loyal to their masters. 他们对老板忠心耿耿。



a master baker面包师傅

a master builder建筑师



This painting is an old master. 这幅画是古代名画家的作品。



He holds an Oxford M.A. degree. 他持有牛津大学硕士学位。

注意:另外两种学位为:the degree of Bachelor of Are Sciences)(略B.A.;B.Sc)文(理)学士学位和the degree of Doctor of ScienceMedicineLawsLiterature)(略D.Dr. 理学(医学、法学、文学)博士。





His master passion is motor-racing. 他最大的爱好是赛车。




He is good at mastering horses.   他善于驯马。

You have to master your temper. 你必须抑制住你的脾气。


It is not easy to master the local dialect. 掌握方言并不容易。


The captain mastered the crew to leave the sinking ship.



6. Wang Ping’s mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and…


1flash n. 闪光;闪烁;手电筒;v. 使闪光;闪现;突然发出

in a flash    即刻;瞬间           a flash of hope    一线希望

a flash of lightning    闪电         It flashed upon me that...    我突然想到……

The weekend seemed to be over in a flash.   那个周末转瞬即逝。

The idea flashed into / through his mind.    这念头在他的脑海里闪过。

There was a flash of lightning a moment ago. 刚才有闪电的亮光。

2switch n. 电路开关;转变,改变;v.转变;转换(位置)

Polls showed a switch to labour.           民意测验表明形势转而对工党有利。

Husband and wife should switch roleswith each other occasionally.


Could you switch the TV over?            请你改换电视频道好吗?


switch sth. off    切断(电流等)

switch sth. on    接通(电流)

switch sb. off    使某人感到乏味

switch sth. roundover    转换、交换位置

switch sth. sb. withsb. sth. )使(……)与……交换位置

Don't switch the radio on.         不要打开收音机。

Long lectures really switch me off. 我觉得冗长的演讲很烦人。


7. They have assisted in the discovery of planets round the fourth star in the Pleiades system.


assist vt. & vi.

1vt. 帮助;协助

assist sb. with sth. assist sb. to do sth./ assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人干某事

You will be required to assist Mr. Smith in preparing a report.


Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries.


2vi. 出席;参加

assist atin sth. 在某场合出席;参加……

I assisted at Joe's birthday party and really enjoyed myself.


The president will assist at the ceremony.


assistance n.U]帮助;援助

assistant n. 助手;助理;店员



1. privatepersonalindividual





2. remindrememberrecall

1remind指某人或某事使主人公“联想起”另外的人或事,后面只接人作宾语,用于remind sb. of...结构中。




3. assisthelp


Students assisted the professor in doing the experiment. 学生们协助教授做实验。


help sb. with sth. help sb. todo sth. 帮助某人做某事

He helped me when I was in trouble. 我处于困境时他帮助了我。


4. agencyagent









drying agent 干燥剂  a cleaning agent 清洁剂

Rain and sun are the agents which help plants to grow.


I got this job in the factory through an employment.   


Our company has agencies all over the world.  



5. speedrate


The car is running at a ratespeedof fifty miles an hour.


The newly designed airplane has a speed of 500 miles an hour.


At this rate, we'll finish our work in two days. 




1. He was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to the top of a high building nearby.


1sweep v.


The road sweeps round the lake. 这条路环湖延伸。

The hills sweep down to the sea. 山丘延伸到海边。


The waves swept the deck. 波浪扫过甲板。

The wind swept the leaves away. 风把树叶刮走了。


SARS swept over the country. SARS席卷全国。


She swept out of the room. 她大模大样地走出房间。


sweep up    清扫

sweep sb. down    (水)把某人冲倒

sweep sth. away    清除;扫除;冲走;刮走

sweep over    扫过,席卷;扫视


2. These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.



(四)   Grammar




    Guided by an old hunterthey went through the forest in only four days.


    Greatly encouraged(=As he was greatly encouragedby the teacher's words. the boy started doing his experiment again.


    SeenWhen it is seenfrom the top of the mountainthe city looks more beautiful.


    Given more time(=If I were given more time),I could do it much better.



______ whitethe door will look more beautiful.

A. Painting         B. Painted   C. Being painted    D. Having been painted


Painted white在此相当于一个条件状语从句If it is painted white

____in the strange citythe poor boy fell to_____.

A. Lostcry      B. To lose; cry    C. Lostcrying   D. Having lostcrying


Lost in the strange city(=As he was lost in the strange city),the poor boy fell to crying. to是介词,后应用crying,故排除A项;to lose位于句首是作目的状语,与句意不符,故排除;having lost是分词的主动式,与句意不符,故排除。

______alone in a dark roomthe little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly.

A. Leaving       B. Left    C. Being left    D. To be left

解析:B。空格处作原因状语,leave表示“留下,剩下”,与主语girl是被动关系,所以我们要把选择范围缩小到BCD三项。然后我们再从时间方面区分这三项,left是过去分词,表示“被动”和“完成”,但有时过去分词只可表示“被动”,而忽视它的时间概念;有时只表示“完成”。此处我们只强调它的被动意思;being left是现在分词的被动形式,因为“留下,剩下”表示状态,所以没有必要再用现在分词表示“进行”;to be left是不定式的被动形式,表示“被动”的同时也表示“将来”。句意为:这个小女孩被独自留在这个黑暗的房间里,她吓得都哭出来了。

____from endless homework on weekendsthe students now find their own activities, such as taking a ride together to watch the sunrise.

A. Freed    B. Freeing   C. To free  D. Having freed

解析:Afree作动词用时,表示“使某人从……中摆脱出来”。所以它与主语students是被动关系。句意为:在周末学生们从繁杂的作业中解脱出来,找到了自己的活动,比如: 一起乘车观看日出。



I. 单项选择

1. You shouldn't read others’ _______letters without permission.

A. private                  B. public               C. particular       D. especial

2. The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad ____on the employer.

    A. impression             B. expression        C. experience     D. opinion

3. We could see the buildings ____by trees.

A. being surrounded                              B. surrounded

C. to be surrounded                              D. surround

4. It's very kind of youbut we have no______ of teachers here.

A. reason                 B. lack                 C. signs            D. result

5. The wildlife research work had to stopbecause they were _____for money.

    A. pressed                B. eager                C. longing         D. worried

6. You will soon _____French when you live in Paris.

A. maintain                B. master              C. mention         D. magnify

7. The bridge _____by the flood and fertile soil ______into the river.

A. was swept awaywas swept down

B. swept awayswept down

C. was swept downwas swept away

D. was swept intowas swept up

8. _____the lady remembered everything.

A. All of sudden                                    B. On a suddenly

C. In a flash                                         D. For flash

9. Can you imagine a plane flying ____ 8000 miles an hour?

A. with a speed                                     B. in a speed of

C. at a speed of                                     D. by a speed

10. ____the rate you workyou'll never finish.

A. In                      B. At                   C. With             D. For


II. 弗兰克英语 专题训练:阅读理解步步高10  高级  1



1. Recently the World Health Organization announced that the disease of smallpox (天花)had almost been wiped out in most parts of the worldthanks to widespread vaccination (种牛痘).Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to another they must be able to prove that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all.

2. For example , when farmers killed large numbers of hawks(鹰), the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice . Why ? Because hawks eat rats and mice . With no hawks to keep down their numbers , the rats and mice multiplied(繁殖)quickly .

3. This is mainly because of the great discovery made by a village doctorEdward Jennerin about 1798 when he published his report of his new experiment called vaccination ( from the word “vacca” meaning a cow ). Jenner discovered that people who worked with cattle often suffered from a harmless disease which they caught from the cattlebut these people never seemed to get smallpox. So he experimented by putting the disease into a small opening on the arms of healthy peopleand though their arms became painful for a day or twothey soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.

4. So the news of the wonderful discovery spread to other countries and people rushed to their doctors to be vaccinated. In many countries the simple way to deal with the arm was done on thousands of people , and the terrible smallpox began to disappear.

段落顺序是: __________________________________________



1. Which of the following is an ineffectual way of preventing the spread of smallpox ?

A. Most people were vaccinated against the disease at least once.

B. People going abroad should promise not to spread the disease.

C. People traveling from one country to another must prove they are vaccinated.

D. People must be vaccinated shortly before going to foreign countries.

2. The doctor's new discovery was called “vaccination” for the reason that ___________ .

A. he discovered smallpox near a farm  

B. he experimented with a disease from the cattle

C. he was working with cattle in the countryside 

D. people got the disease of smallpox from the cattle

3. The news of the discovery ___________ .

A. caught people's attention from all corners of the world 

B. spread far and near in the western countries

C. made people rush to Dr. Jennet for vaccination

D. helped to get rid of the terrible disease of smallpox


III. 消化训练:

步骤3 根据文章意思将下列句中所缺的单词补上。

Recently the World Health Organization _______________ that the disease of smallpox had almost been ______________ out in most parts of the worldthanks to widespread vaccination .Most people are ______________ at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to ______________they must be able to prove that they have had a recent vaccination. In this way the disease has been ______________ from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all.

This is mainly because of the great ______________ made by a village doctorEdward Jennerin about 1798 when he ______________ his report of his new experiment called vaccination ( from the word “vacca” meaning a cow ). Jenner discovered that people who worked with cattle often ______________ from a harmless disease which they caught from the______________but these people never seemed to get smallpox. So he ______________ by putting the disease into a small opening on the ______________ of healthy peopleand though their arms became ______________ for a day or twothey soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.

So the news of the wonderful discovery______________ to other countries and people ______________ to their doctor’s to be vaccinated.

In many countries the simple way to ______________ ______________ the arm was done on thousands of people , and the terrible smallpox began to ______________.


步骤 4 根据文章意思将下列句中所缺的单词补上。

Recently the World Health Organization _______________ that the _____________ of smallpox had almost been ______________ out in most parts of the world________________  _______widespread vaccination .Most people are ______________ at least once in their lives and if they wish to travel from one country to ______________they must be able to _____________ that they have had a recent vaccination._____ _____ __________the disease has been ______________ from spreading and today one seldom hears of it at all.

This is mainly because of the great ______________ made by a village doctorEdward Jennerin about 1798 when he ______________ his report of his new experiment _____________ vaccination ( from the word “vacca” meaning a cow ).Jenner discovered that people _____________worked with cattle often ______________ from a harmless disease _____________ they caught from the______________but these people never seemed to get smallpox. So he ______________ by putting the disease into a small opening on the ______________ of healthy peopleand _____________ their arms became ______________ for a day or twothey soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.

So the news of the wonderful discovery______________ to other countries and people ______________ to their doctor’s to be vaccinated.

In many countries the simple way to ______________ ______________ the arm was done ____  thousands of people , and the terrible smallpox began to ______________.



if they wish to travel from one country to another , they must be able to prove that

In this way the disease has been prevented from spreading and

Most people are vaccinated at least once in their lives and

Recently the World Health Organization announced

that the disease of smallpox had almost been wiped out in most parts of the worldthanks to widespread vaccination .

they have had a recent vaccination.

today one seldom hears of it at all.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________but these people never seemed to get smallpox.

Edward Jennerin about 1798 when he published his report of his new

experiment called vaccination ( from the word “vacca” meaning a cow ).

harmless disease which they caught from the cattle

Jenner discovered that people who worked with cattle often suffered from a

small opening on the arms of healthy peopleand though their arms became painful for a day or two

So he experimented by putting the disease into a

they soon recovered and none of these people ever got smallpox.

This is mainly because of the great discovery made by a village doctor


and the terrible smallpox began to disappear.

In many countries the simple

people rushed to their doctors to be vaccinated.

So the news of the wonderful discovery spread to other countries and

way to deal with the arm was done on thousands of people ,



I. 1. A。句意为“未经允许你不该看别人的私人信件”。public意为“公开的”;particular意为“特定的”:especial意为“尤其”;private此处意为“个人的,私人的”符合语境。

2. Ahavemake a goodbad impression on sb. 意为“给某人留下好/坏的印象”。

3. B。句意为“我们看到建筑物被树木包围着”。由此可知,要用被动形式,又因不强调正在进行,因而A项也应排除。

4. Bhave no lack of “不缺乏……”,为固定搭配。

5. Abe pressed for缺少;be eager for渴望;long for渴望;be worried后面要接about意为“担心”。

6. B。句意为“你住在巴黎很快就会学好法语的”。master“掌握”;maintain维持;mention提到;magnify 放大,扩大。

7. A。该句意为:桥梁被洪水冲走了,肥沃的土壤被冲到河里去了。

8. Cin a flash是固定词组,含义是“即刻” “一瞬间”。all of sudden应为all of a sudden

9. Cat a speed of...为固定搭配,“以……的速度”。

10. Bat the rate “以这种速度”,为固定搭配。

II. 这是一篇具有科普性质的说明文,说明了种牛痘防治天花的始末。


2)第2题属细节辨认题,第二段第1 …vaccination ( from the word “vacca” meaning a cow)即本题答案出处,故选B正确。

3)第3题属细节辨认题。由第三段第1句可知,这一消息传到其他国家,不仅仅是西方国家,所以排除选项B;人们是到医生那里去种牛痘,而不是到Jennet医生那里去种牛痘,故排除选项C;“vaccination”而不是“the news”可使人们免于“天花”这一疾病,故排除选项D。通过细节的认定,本题正确答案是A